Lissitzky and his avant-garde exhibition in La Pedrera

Lissitzky and his avant-garde exhibition in La Pedrera


Integrating painting and architecture led him to create his first Prouns works that constituted its initial contribution to the art world. They are about geometric compositions which do not conform to the traditional laws of perspective.

As a typographer Lissitzky influenced the German Bauhaus school experiencing production techniques and stylistic devices that later dominated the twentieth century graphic design.

The exhibition is open from Monday to Sunday from 9:30am to 20pm but you have to keep in mind that last entrance is at 19:30h. The entrance fee is 3 euros but there are reductions for children from 7-12 years, over 65, students and people with disabilities pay one euro less. For children under seven years and members of professional associations, art critics and museums experts the pass is free.