The Association meets Securtity Forces of the city

The Association meets Securtity Forces of the city


Last October 14, the Association held a meeting with representatives of Guàrdia Urbana and Mossos d’Esquadra, in which various issues related to the safety of Paseo de Gracia and its area of influence were discussed.

One of the most important issues was the launch, from November 15, of Operation Grèvol. Given the increase in the influx of public by the Christmas holidays, the security forces work together to reinforce the police presence in different commercial and tourist axes of the city as the Paseo de Gracia. This presence is not only focused on preventing theft or criminal acts related to property, but also ensures good living on the walk driving traffic to reduce accidents, or controlling very rigorously loading and unloading time in the area enabled for this purpose.

Another issue addressed in this meeting was the relocation of the illegal street trading, which, thanks to the complaints filed by the Association and the police pressure exerted over the last few months on these groups of street vendors, have made them abandon the avenue during the day. The Association, together with Mossos d’Esquadra and Guàrdia Urbana, is working together to eradicate this illegal practice of our streets.