Protest march at Paseo de Gracia

Protest march at Paseo de Gracia


This Saturday, August 26 will be held on the Paseo de Gracia, a large protest march against terrorism to condemn the attacks that were experienced last week in Barcelona and Cambrils.

This peaceful march will leave Jardinets de Gràcia at 18 hours and will travel all the Paseo de Gracia until you reach Plaza Catalunya.

The security forces will ensure that the thousands of citizens, authorities and personalities who attend, can manifest with absolute tranquility.

In turn, we inform that these security forces have recommended to all the businesses of the Paseo that reinforce the security inside their establishments for the tranquility of the client.

From the Association we want to invite all citizens to participate in this protest march against terrorism and that together we can fight and end this scourge for everyone.

We are waiting for you this Saturday in Paseo de Gracia.